It’s almost a year since Ness and I were married. Thanks to some amazingly generous donations to our Trailfinders honeymoon fund by our wedding guests we’ve been able to book an absolutely amazing honeymoon to New Zealand, and we leave tomorrow!
We first fly out to Tokyo and spend three days there, before popping to Sydney for a single day (we’re doing the Bridge Climb!), before flying to Auckland to pick up a Maui campervan. Then we drive around New Zealand for a full four weeks, touring both the north and south islands. Finally we fly back out of Christchurch, stop off at Hong Kong for a few days and then back to London.
New Zealand is a place we’ve always wanted to visit, but ever since seeing the New Zealand Tourist Board promotional film we’ve been positively champing at the bit to go. In addition when we found out we could do a stop over at Tokyo that became an absolute must too! We’re actually pretty scared about Tokyo; in our typical English way we’re used to the world being able to understand and speak English back…but all bets on that are off in Japan! Luckily I’m a good mime…
Anyway — I’m hoping to get plenty of pics taken as we go around and all being well technologically I should be able to upload them to this site — so watch this space! Ta-ta for now!
Matt Godbolt is a C++ developer living in Chicago. Follow him on Mastodon or Bluesky.