More on BASIC line numbers

With regards to the BBC BASIC line number encoding, Malcolm asked the very sensible question “Why the exclusive OR with 0x54 for the third byte? Why not OR with 0x40 like the other two?”

The answer emerges when you look at how the values are decoded at run time1:

ARM assembly                C equivalent
                        int Decode(unsigned char*ptr) {
                            int r0, r1, r10;
LDRB    R10,[LINE],#1       r10 = *ptr++;
MOV     R0,R10,LSL #2       r0 = r10 << 2;
AND     R1,R0,#&C0          r1 = r0 & 0xc0;
LDRB    R10,[LINE],#1       r10 = *ptr++;
EOR     R1,R1,R10           r1 ^= r10;
LDRB    R10,[LINE],#1       r10 = *ptr++;
EOR     R0,R10,R0,LSL #2    r0 = r10 ^ (r0 << 2);
AND     R0,R0,#255          r0 &= 0xff;
ORR     R0,R1,R0,LSL #8     r0 = r1 | (r0<<8)
MOV     PC,R14              return r0;

Using 0b00000000 as binary representations for ease of understanding the shifts, this is:

  1. Read the first byte, which contains the top two bits of the two bytes which make up the line number. As mentioned before, these are stored 0b00LlHh00 exclusive ORred with 0b01010100 (0x54). The exclusive OR (EOR) effectively makes this byte 0b01L^H^00, where the ^ signifies the relevant bit has been inverted.
  2. Shift this new value such that the top two bits of the least significant byte (LSB) are in place (0bL^H^0000.)
  3. Read the next byte. Recall this contains the bottom six bits of the LSB, ORred with 0b01000000 (0x40.)
  4. Isolate the top two bits of the first value, and EOR this with the lower byte. We now have the fully decoded LSB — the bit inverting cancels out here.
  5. Shift the “top bit” value up so the high bits are in place (0bH^000000.)
  6. Read the next byte and EOR with the top bits — again the bit inverting has cancelled out to leave the most significant byte (MSB) decoded.
  7. Combine the LSB and MSB and we’re done.

So the strange choice of 0x54 as the EOR means that some of the work to isolate the bottom six bits and top bits is avoided. This saves an instruction or two of ARM code, but was probably something more useful on the original BBC Micro version, where the savings on its 6502 were probably much greater:

; input in (&70-1) offset by Y
; output to &72-3
LDA (&70), Y    ; read top bits
INY             ; move pointer on
ASL A           ; shift once
ASL A           ; shift again
PHA             ; store this for later
AND #&c0        ; isolate top two bits
EOR (&70), Y    ; decode low bit
INY             ; move pointer on
STA &73         ; store low pointer
PLA             ; retrieve value
ASL A           ; shift
ASL A           ; and again
EOR (&70), Y    ; decode high bit
INY             ; move pointer on
STA &72         ; store out high bit

A less well thought-out version would likely need several more instructions. Indeed, according to this site, the code can be squeezed into 11 instructions; though this does rely on the line number information being copied to a temporary location. The actual BASIC routines are available here, and are essentially the same as my guessed-at code above, except that for speed they use the X register instead of the stack (PHA/PLA) as the temporary storage.

BBC BASIC was arguably the fastest version of BASIC around; optimisations like this helped make that possible.

Thanks to Richard Talbot-Watkins for the Beeb links.

  1. The BASIC code, as part of RISC OS, is licensed under a proprietary license, which allows me to reproduce this here. 

Filed under: Coding
Posted at 09:00:00 GMT on 16th November 2007.

About Matt Godbolt

Matt Godbolt is a C++ developer working in Chicago for Aquatic. Follow him on Mastodon.