Although I haven’t touched my Weebox project very much recently, I’ve been thinking about the LCD display. It’s a one-bit-per-pixel 320×64 display, with a simple controller (the HD61830). The controller has 8KB of on-board video RAM, which is more than enough to hold the 320×64÷8 = 2560 bytes of screen. The controller allows me to set and clear bits in bytes of screen memory, or set bytes to specific values. It also has a register which controls the start of the displayed image in RAM.
My driver code currently just points the start of screen to the beginning of the screen memory, and then manipulates the first 2560 bytes of the memory to draw the text and images. However, I’ve had an idea to get something out of those remaining 5632 bytes.
The LCD display is pretty unresponsive — it takes a noticeable amount of time to go between black and white, and it occurred to me that I might be able to take advantage of this: If I were to quickly toggle pixels between on and off then I might be able to simulate shades of grey.
However, writing to the screen memory is pretty slow and CPU intensive — over a microsecond per byte, with the CPU managing the process of bringing enable lines and address lines up and down to talk to the LCD controller. I wouldn’t be able to do much else at the same time if I were to just continuously flip pixels on and off individually.
What I plan on doing instead is upload multiple images of the screen into the LCD display’s memory, and then alter the start of screen to quickly switch between them. For example, imagine I have two images in video RAM, and then I change the start of screen to show one image, and then the other, flipping between them say ten times a second. Any pixel that’s set to be on in both images will remain on all the time, and similarly any pixel that’s off will remain off. However, if a pixel is on in one image and off in the other, then its colour will be flipped back and forth between black and white ten times a second. I’m hoping this will give me a kind of 50% grey shade.
As it happens there’s enough room to fit three screens in video memory. Each screen would be like a plane in a three-bit-per-pixel bit plane image. Initially I thought I’d show each screen image for the same amount of time, which would make the 8 possible values for each pixel correspondingly:
Value | On/off pattern | Duty Cycle |
0 | ___ | 0% |
1 | __* | 33% |
2 | _*_ | 33% |
3 | _** | 67% |
4 | *__ | 33% |
5 | *_* | 67% |
6 | **_ | 67% |
7 | *** | 100% |
Using this encoding means 1, 2 and 4 are all “stay on 33% of the time”, and 3 and 6 are “stay on 67%”, but at slightly different phases. I imagine there would be no visible difference the phases, so this make this encoding pretty redundant — I have eight values but only three possible shades.
My next idea was to hold the first image for 4N units of time, the next for 2N units, and ther last for N units. That way I actually get eight different amounts of “on time” per pixel:
Value | On/off pattern | Duty Cycle |
0 | _______ | 0% |
1 | ______* | 14% |
2 | ____**_ | 29% |
3 | ____*** | 43% |
4 | ****___ | 57% |
5 | ****__* | 71% |
6 | ******_ | 86% |
7 | ******* | 100% |
This looks great on paper – I should be able to in theory make a one-bit-per-pixel display display eight different shades of grey.
Except… in reality it won’t work like that. The response curve of an LCD display is non-linear, so I’ll need to experiment with the display to work out appropriate settings. For example, does being on for 14% of the time actually correspond to a useful “light grey”? Also, it could be that I can’t change the screen address often enough to make this viable. Or having seven time steps makes the display too flickery.
Once I get the Weebox working again, I’ll run some tests and post what I find. And then I need to think of what to do with the last 512 bytes of unused screen RAM…
Matt Godbolt is a C++ developer living in Chicago. Follow him on Mastodon or Bluesky.