!FinalLook - a RISC OS 3.1 hack explained

One of the coolest things about the Acorn range of computers was their flexibility and hackability. It was easy to extend the OS, and in some cases replace funtionality. This is the story of how I totally abused the software interrupt (SWI) vector on my A3010 way back in 1995.

I was jealous of the newer machines that had recently come out with RISC OS 3.5. They had a fancy new UI with texture window backgrounds and anti-aliased text. I set about to get the same effects on RISC OS 3.1.

The biggest issue was that the Wimp (the window manager), was stored in ROM. Unlike many other parts of the OS, there weren’t predefined hooks to modify its behaviour.

However, it was possible to globally hook every SWI, and this is what I did:

I looked for SWIs the Wimp used internally to talk to other parts of the OS. With a global SWI handler defined, I filtered all but a a few choice SWIs, checked the calling code to see if it looked like the right part of the ROM, and then substituted my code, calling back into the original ROM as needed.

It wasn’t always that easy: to hook certain parts of the Wimp I had to pick out a random-seeming SWI “before” the target site and hook that. Then I had to duplicate the work after the SWI up until the bit I wanted to patch; then do my alternative code; then continue back in ROM.

Here’s the SWI handler I install, along with a few comments:

; Preserve a minimal register set
STMFD R13!,{R10,R14}
; Mask the return address: this is
; the address of the calling function
BIC R14,R14,#&FC000003
; Check to see if it's in ROM
AND R10,R14,#&03800000
CMP R10,#&03800000
; If not, return (via "myjump" which
; jumps on to the original SWI handler)
LDMNEFD R13!,{R10,R14}
BNE myjump
; Otherwise, read the SWI instruction
; itself (which has the interrupt number
; in it), masking out the "X" bit.
LDR R14,[R14,#-4]
BIC R14,R14,#&FF000000
BIC R14,R14,#&20000
; Now compare against a set of target
; SWI numbers to hook, ultimately
; returning to the original handler
; if we don't a SWI of interest.
CMP R14,#0:BEQ WriteC
LDR R10,ospl:CMP R14,R10:BEQ Write
LDR R10,openwindow:CMP R14,R10:BEQ RedrawRoot
LDR R10,deletewindow:CMP R14,R10:BEQ Delwin
LDR R10,ploticon:CMP R14,R10:BEQ Plot
LDR R10,ClrBack:CMP R14,R10:BEQ Clear
LDMFD R13!,{R10,R14}:B myjump

Let’s take one of the simplest examples, the SWI for clearing the background of the windows.

This hooks SWI 256+16, which is OS_WriteI+16 - a SWI to output ASCII 16, taking no parameters and modifying no registers. ASCII character 16 is interpreted as “clear graphics area” – something the Wimp does when it draws the background of a window. For FinalLook, I wanted to clear to a textured background instead of a plain colour.

It turns out this SWI is only used in a couple of places in the ROM, so I was able to make a whole bunch of assumptions about the values of the registers even though no paramaters are passed in.

; Re-stack registers, preserving the whole
; lot this time
LDMFD R13!,{R10,R14}
STMFD R13!,{R0-R12,R14}
; It would appear that in the places in ROM
; I expected to be called from, having R0
; of &ffffffff was to be expected. Bail out
; if this isn't so.
CMP R0,#1:BNE Normal
; If texturing's off, bail out
LDR R0,TexOnFlag:MOVS R0,R0:BEQ Normal
; If it doesn't look like R10 points at a
; valid window handle, bail out
; (Wind) = "WIND" ASCII magic value
; (in retrospect it's amazing this works as
;  no checks are made for the validity of the
;  pointer in R10)
LDR R0,[R10]:LDR R1,Wind:CMP R0,R1:BNE Normal
LDR R0,[R10,#4]:CMN R0,#1:BEQ Normal
; Read the opcode following the SWI, and 
; check it against that expected in the
; part of ROM we're trying to hook.
; 'Word' has the instruction:
;     LDR R14,[R10,#92]
BIC R14,R14,#&FC000003:LDR R14,[R14]
LDR R0,Word:CMP R0,R14:BNE Normal
; (Here for clarity I've removed the code
;  to check the current display mode and load
;  sprites et al. )
; Read out the caller's R2, which appears to
; be the screen co-ordinates of the left of
; the window
LDR R2,[R13,#8]
; Move R10 along from the window handle to
; point at the information about the window
; (the WindowInfo block)
ADD R10,R10,#&48
; Calculate width and height (R6, R7) of the
; window from the data in the WindowInfo block
LDR R0,[R10,#0]:LDR R6,[R10,#16]:SUB R6,R0,R6
LDR R0,[R10,#12]:LDR R7,[R10,#20]:SUB R7,R0,R7
; Load the size of the background tile
LDR R10,XSprSize:LDR R11,YSprSize
; Find the starting X and Y coordinates
.shpondle SUB R6,R6,R10:CMP R6,R2:BGE shpondle
.shpondle ADD R7,R7,R11:CMP R7,R5:BLT shpondle
SUB R7,R7,R11
; Remember the right and bottom edge
; positions (the value in R4 presumably is the
; right-hand edge, and R3 the bottom)
MOV R8,R4:SUB R9,R3,R11
; Point R1 at the sprite header, and R2 at
; its data.
LDR R1,SpriteAt
ADD R2,R1,#16
; R0 = &222
MOV R0,#&22:ORR R0,R0,#&200
; Set up R3 and R4 (X and Y position)
MOV R3,R6:MOV R4,R7:MOV R5,#0
; Now loop for all X and all Y
; (NB Y coordinates are inverted here)
STMFD R13!,{R0-R5}
SWI "XOS_SpriteOp"
LDMFD R13!,{R0-R5}
BVS Normal
ADD R3,R3,R10:CMP R3,R8:BLT Loop
MOV R3,R6:SUB R4,R4,R11:CMP R4,R9:BGE Loop
; Restore all the registers and return to
; the OS.
LDMFD R13!,{R0-R12,R14}

The other hooks were even more tangled, relying on a plethora of registers and code paths in ROM to hack in anti-aliased fonts.

The entire BASIC source (converted to text by my python convertor) is available here.

Filed under: Coding
Posted at 04:10:00 GMT on 17th December 2012.

About Matt Godbolt

Matt Godbolt is a C++ developer living in Chicago. Follow him on Mastodon or Bluesky.